
I got a basket full of lemons and they all taste the same
a window and a pigeon with a broken wing;
You can spend your whole life working for something
just to have it taken away...
But love will come set me free,
love will come set me free
I do believe!
Love will come set me free,
I know it will.

December 15, 2009


After talking with some friends about this semester, I have come to the conclusion it has been the most exciting by far. Here are a few highlights that made it the best by far:

1) ASB. These people brighten up my day and make me proud to serve alongside them.

2) The students. These kids literally challenge the crap out of me, but I love them and would rather be doing nothing else than working with them :) I also have been truly blessed by this year's group of leaders...after all these years, finally a team that I think is going to really do some incredible things.

3) Kayla's gettin' hitched :) Such a great weekend, and such a great time with the 12!

4) Floor sons & Nieces! Much love to the boys of Huntington 5th floor (love your mom!) and the girls of Catalina 4 North!

5) Reunited, and it feels so good: Hanging out with the ladies this semester has been challenging since we are all super busy, but there has absolutely been some amazing times that I am so grateful for.